Conference Speaking
III. For Meeting Planners
Rick Hatala Biography: Speaker Topics

Rick Hatala, BSc., P. Eng. Speaker, Author, Facilitator, Consultant, Coach, CEO Integrative Energy, Ltd.
Rick Hatala has 30 years experience in the energy and related service industry. He is a professional engineer, professional speaker, consultant, coach, author, and has served as Founder, President and CEO of several domestic and international energy and service related companies.
He is currently President & CEO of Integrative Energy Ltd, a unique and revolutionary North American Energy Company whose purpose is to develop high impact exploration and development opportunities and next generation remote sensing technologies within the energy sector ( Rick is the past President and CEO of Integrative Energy Ltd., which is dedicated to helping individuals, groups and organizations become more integrated. He has researched, developed, facilitated and coached many facets of integrative personal, professional and organizational leadership, emotional and spiritual intelligence, developing intuition, cultivating executive wisdom and rekindling the creative spirit in business among others.
In addition to his scientific, engineering, management-leadership and entrepreneurial background, Rick is a lifelong student of the world’s wisdom, mystic, psychological and philosophical traditions. He has written numerous articles on innovation, business and consciousness and his most recent book—co-authored with Lillas Marie Hatala—is entitled, “Integrative Leadership”: Building a Foundation for Personal, Interpersonal and Organizational Success”.
Entertaining....Thought Provoking....Insightful
Speaker Topics:
Integrative Leadership: Building a Foundation for Personal, Interpersonal and Organizational Success: Integrative Leadership is a philosophy, foundational model, universal principles and emerging practices that allow individuals and organizations to integrate their four domains of intelligence (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and three levels of awareness (mechanistic, organic, wholistic) by exercising their power of choice. The results are extraordinary personal and organizational performance, regardless of how that performance is measured.
Visionary Leadership: Developing Your Intuition: Developing our natural intuition, creative imaginations, accessing daily inspirations and interpreting our nightly dreams are methods of developing personal and organizational excellence. This program explores the cultivating of intuition and innovation to enhance life, love, work and play.
The One Minute Meditator: Connecting with Inner Wisdom: Learn and experience a simple universal five step method of relaxing, reflecting and allowing yourself to deeply listen to the still small voice of inner wisdom in everyday affairs of life and leadership.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing the Heart of Leadership: This program shows ways to awaken the heart of life and leadership through self and social awareness and relationship management. Participants will learn the four dimensions, twenty competencies and the transformational processes that will help develop your own and your organizations emotional intelligence.
The Lighter Side of Life, Love and Leadership: Practicing the Art of Story Telling: This program will help develop your sixth sense of humor, cultivate the ability to tell a good story and harvest life lessons that will help you and your organization successfully walk the path of personal and organizational integration.
Spiritual Intelligence: Awakening the Soul of Leadership: SI is the ultimate intelligence that helps build a platform for physical, mental and emotional intelligence to input in a balanced way into your problem solving, decision making and planning processes.
Social Intelligence: Enhancing & Strengthening Relationships: Learn the twelve principles of strengthening personal and interpersonal relationships that will help you in all aspects of your personal and professional life. Ideal for a group retreat format. (Co-Presented with Lillas Marie Hatala)
The Leadership Imperative: Uncovering the Leader Within: Learn the difference between management and leadership and explore and experience the five exemplary practices that will allow you and your organization to make the transition from a management to leadership culture.
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